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This page is for testimonials from our recipients and others who have been touched by The Healing Drews Heart Foundation Inc. and our donors
"What a thoughtful SURPRISE for our 13 year old son, Dominic!!!"
"All these items you delivered are going to go a long way to help the patients and families who stay here, its such a blessing"
"Thank You for your foundations kindness and generosity. Thank you for making Derrick’s day a little brighter"

thank you letter

Thank you letter from the Bartch Transplant House in Orlando! We have been blessed to be able to help them by delivering much needed supplies and also giving them totes full of items that they can hand out to families and individuals that have to stay at the transplant house as part of there hospital stay.

message from a parent

This is a message sent to Healing Drews Heart Foundation Inc from the father of one of our Gifts from the Heart Basket recipients.
Harry Eff
"A big thank you to this wonderful organization for their generosity and focus on supporting families in crisis. March 31st we received the call no parent wants; our daughter had been in a catastrophic motorcycle accident. Her injuries were life threatening. Upon entering the ER, she went into cardiac arrest. She lost more than 1/2 the blood in her body. Each limb suffered multiple fractures and the internal abdominal injuries were extensive. She is 33; a mother to a beautiful 9 year old daughter and an ICU nurse at Advent Health. She has worked in CVICU & ACSU. She was critical and not expected to live. Drs told us to prepare to say goodbye. One surgeon shared she had never seen anyone recover with the injuries our baby had. Fast forward 4 weeks- she is ALIVE. Recovering. She has a long road ahead; months of inpatient care, rehab, but she is alive and fighting! During week 3, she received a care package from ‘Healing Drew’s Heart Foundation' The package brought tears to her eyes and such joy. She understands the challenges families face when their loved ones are in crisis. Now she is experiencing it from the other side. Drew’s Heart is inspiring, humbling and amazing in it’s support and message! Thank you for your love and care! We look forward to paying it forward!"

walker update

Update on our first HDH "Gifts from the Heart" basket recipient Walker

As celebrate Easter 2022 its Hard to believe that it has been 3 years since we did one of our first HDH gift totes. Since then so much has changed and right now Walker is recovering from his triple organ transplant (2 lungs and 1 kidney). Please continue to pray for Walkers continued healing and for his wonderful family who has always been right by his side,