Facebook Page 

stories of some of the people we have blessed because of your help

This page will have stories of some of the "Gifts from the Heart Baskets" that we have given out and also stories of some other Blessings we have been able to do with the help of our amazing donors. We could not do any of this without your generosity. If you would like to make a donation to help our mission please go click the donate now link on our main page. We have also included a Donate Now button at bottom of each story along with a link to their own individual pages so you can learn more about them and get updates. Thank You!!

Orlando, FL 32832
Winter Haven, FL 33884 



blessing bags for those in need

Blessing bags full of items for some very grateful individuals

In February 2024 we delivered 5 Blessing Bags to some much deserving individuals. Each reflective tote included a scarf, gloves, thick pair of socks, snow cap, ear muffs, box of granola bars, reuseable cup with flavor packs, bathing wipes, a pocket prayer book, chapstick and a gift card. We have some special stories from these interactions today. Please remember the less fortunate in your thoughts and prayers


3rd annual HDH squares fundraiser

Our first FUNdraiser every year and its always alot of fun for everyone!

The 3rd annual HDH squares FUNdraiser was a huge success once again. This event helps our foundation get a start on donations to be able to continue our mission and help more individuals and families going through the the hardest times of their lives. Our foundation puts 100% of the donations we receive into the Gifts from the Heart baskets and totes we make and also into other ways we help those in need. So when we have a FUNdraiser or ask for donations of items you will know that those funds and items go 100% to our mission. We thank all our donors with all our HEARTS for their kind donations and help in helping us grow our foundation to help more people every year! God Bless you all!!


happy birthday 9th harper

A banner, shirt and birthday items to help celebrate while in the hospital

We started 2024 where we left off 2023 by helping Harper celebrate her birthday. Harper is still listed for a heart transplant. She is living at the RMH near the hospital so she is close by when they get the call. We sent her a tote at Christmas and this week we sent her the banner and shirt in this photo for her 9th birthday. Celebrating holidays and birthdays away from home is so difficult but made a little better by the goodness of others. We truly appreciate the generosity of all of you that makes giving, donating and supporting patients and their families possible. Please continue to pray for Harper and her loved ones


Young girl awaits heart transplant

Gifts from the Heart basket full of items to uplift a young girls spirits at Christmas time

We sent a Christmas care package to Harper Strong filled with all things fun and festive. Harper is awaiting a heart transplant so of course her story truly touched our hearts. Please pray for this sweet, brave girl, her medical team at CHOP and her family. Also please pray for the family (and all families) that will make the selfless decision to donate their loved one’s organs. Thank you everyone for donating to the HDH Foundation this year…your kindness and generosity is truly appreciated!


25 Totes for drews 25th birthday

Recent fundraisers help make it possible for our biggest group of totes ever delivered

December 1st 2023 was a big day for us! We delivered 25 totes and over 25 supplies, toys, books and gifts to 3 different locations in Orlando. Thank you to everyone who donated in honor of Drew’s 25th birthday and to everyone who participated in our recent fundraiser events! Drew said this was the best birthday gift he could ever receive was to do good for others.


Two year old and family care package

Box of items to help young girl as she undergoes inpatient chemo

In October 2023 we asked for donations for a precious little two year girl and her family. Oakley is currently inpatient at Arnold Palmer Hospital in Orlando receiving chemo for brain cancer. We sent the family this care package this week and they are so very grateful. They are about an hour from home at the hospital and truly appreciate all the love, prayers and support. As a family who knows what it is like to spend a large amount of time living in a hospital we understand just how much they will need our help. Please consider donating to their gofundme account and please keep them in your prayers as they navigate thru this medical diagnosis


young girl goes home after heart transplant

Tote of items to help young girl as she goes home after heart transplant

In September 2023 Eniyah was released from the hospital following a heart transplant. Thank you to everyone who donated air mattresses, helped us search for a home for them and donated to her tote. The family is very grateful for all the love shown to them over the last several months. Please continue to pray for Eniyah as she continues to heal and recover


young mom battles rare tumor

Tote of items to help with repeated hospital visits

August 2023 we dropped off a HDH tote to Lori and her family. We included a few items (paper plates, mini waffle maker, gift card) to make things a little easier for her while she undergoes medical evaluations, a few items to help lift her spirits during this time and a few items for her young children to enjoy.Thank you for your kind and generous donations that make these gifts possible for our recipients. To continue to support Lori on this journey we have included her gofundme link:


sweet girl battling cancer

Tote of items to lift spirits

We sent a little care package to a sweet girl battling cancer at St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital. Thank you to everyone that supports the HDH Foundation. Please lift Nola and her family up in prayers!


Supplies and easter baskets

Multiple totes filled for hospitals

For Easter April 2023 we made 2 deliveries…one to the Bartch Transplant House and another one to the RMH at AdventHealth Orlando. We dropped off totes, Easter baskets, toys, stickers and supplies for families spending the holiday weekend away from their homes. Thank you to everyone who has donated and supported us


Premade totes for hospitals

Multiple totes filled for hospitals

You never know when tragedy might hit…for us it came in the blink of an eye. Our healthy son, Drew suddenly was gravely ill right at the time he was set to graduate high-school. We were unprepared for the words of his surgeon that he needed to be put on ECMO to survive and that we had a long road ahead of us. At the time we only had the clothes we were wearing and it was because of our family and friends support that we got essentials and a place to rest our weary heads. This is where our idea for the HDH Foundation came from. We fill totes with items to help patients and their families in the event they find themselves in an emergent situation like we were. We’re always accepting donations of gift cards, hygiene packs, socks, blankets, notebooks, notes of encouragement, non perishable snacks, phone charges and other essentials. We also appreciate monetary donations so that we can purchase the totes and any items we have low stock of. Every dollar we receive goes directly towards helping those in need. We can not thank you all enough for your support, love and prayers.


support our donors

Surgery with hospital stay

One of our dear friends and supporters recently had surgery. We wanted to send her love and prayers so we included a prayer quilt and other goodies to lift her spirits thank you to those who donate towards our care packages. 


2nd annual hdh superbowl squares


Our second Superbowl squares fundraiser was as big of a success as our first one. Starting the year with a fundraiser like this gives us a huge start at collecting the funds we need to help more people. We helped so many individuals and families in 2022 and we want 2023 to be even bigger. Thanks to all those who joined in the Fun! Please keep up with our social media pages to see all that we are able to do to help those going through medical crisis.


strong and brave

Young girl diagnosed with cancer

Our first care package tote of 2023 was sent to a sweet young lady named Megan to help cheer her up a little. Megan was recently hospitalized after suddenly being diagnosed with cancer. She is one strong and brave young lady. We sent her some inspirational items along with essential items, gift cards and crafts she can do. We are also including her go fund me link below if you would like to keep up to date with her journey or if you would like to make a donation. Please continue to pray for Megan as she was recently readmitted back into the hospital.


Young couple with long road ahead

Survivors of a horrific warehouse fire receive basket of essential items

Just before Christmas 2022 we were able to provide an amazing young man with a HDH gift basket. A few weeks ago Jordan and his girlfriend along with their co-workers were involved in a major warehouse fire in Orlando while at work. 4 of their co-workers have sadly passed away due to the severity of their injuries while Lindsey (Jordan’s long time girlfriend) continues to fight for her life in the trauma burn unit. We included gas gift cards, food gift cards, snacks and a cozy blanket. All things to help make Jordan’s trips back and forth to the hospital a little easier. We appreciate your support of our foundation which allows us to help individuals and families in their time of need. Thank you for praying for this couple and all the families affected by this tragedy. If you would like to donate toward’s Lindsey’s recovery or get updates on her condition we have included the go fund me link below...


insirational totes

Our first set of pre-made totes

Near Thanksgiving 2022 we decide it was time to start delivering our pre-made totes that hospitals or medical houses can store and hand out to families in need of some love and support after a sudden medical event. So after Drew had a bloodwork appointment we dropped off the 5 tote bags that we filled over Thanksgiving week. Each tote includes a prayer blanket and donations from all of you. We included a gift card in each card and a couple of personal touches. We chose to drop off the first totes to The Bartch Transplant House in Orlando. Each tote bag is prayed over and we hope the contents bring comfort to the recipients. Thank you all for your continued support as we try to help as many individuals and families as we can, we can not do it without our amazing donors!!


second cornhole fundraiser

Fun cornhole tournament at HMH

On October 21st 2022 we had our 2nd cornhole tournament fundraiser at Houghton Mifflin Harcourt in Orlando…the weather was beautiful and the event was a huge success. Thank you to everyone who participated, donated, volunteered and helped make this day possible! Because of events like this we can continue to help so many individuals and families going to traumatic events. Please watch our social media pages for more cornhole fundraisers we are going to have in 2023!!


hurricane ian

Donated items for hurricane relief

Our October 2022 donations looked a little different as we helped families impacted by Hurricane Ian. We dropped off donations for a couple approved to drop off items in Fort Myers, FL. We also sent a food gift card to a family who was displaced due to a tree damaging their home. We truly appreciate everyone who has made donations to us so that we can show our love and support to others during this unimaginable situation in our home state. We are continually praying for everyone affected by the hurricane.


bartch house supplies

A donated cart of items for an amazing place

In August 2022 Drew wanted to celebrate is 5 year heart transplant anniversary by making another delivery to the AdventHealth Bartch house. This house is next to the hospital where Drew lived for months awaiting a heart and had his transplant on August 21st 2017. We would like to thank each and every one of you for donating to the Bartch Transplant House in Orlando. They were amazed by the outpouring of support! Drew said this was the perfect way to celebrate his 5 year transplantversary!


thank you giveaway

A donated bag of items for giveaway

In August 2022 we did a giveaway to thank our amazing denotators. We were given a bag full of clothes, cups and other items to do this giveaway. Its just a small way to say Thank you to all our amazing and faithful supporters!


newborn clothes

Clothes for the baby of a mama with heart issues

In August 2022 we shipped some cute little preemie and newborn clothes to a sweet fellow heart warrior mama to have for her baby. Last month our daughter had the privilege of doing maternity photos for the family and Drew and Stephanie got to officially meet. This baby and her firstborn are true little miracles and we were blessed to help them prepare for their baby if she comes early. Thank you to all our faithful supporters!


cancer treatments

Gift bag to take to breast cancer treatments

At the start of August 2022 a sweet teacher and mother will start treatment for breast cancer. We knew a little tote bag filled with a few things would brighten her day. We tried to include items that she could bring with her to the treatment center like a soft blanket with our favorite verse on it, books to keep her occupied, socks to keep her feet warm and a gift card to treat herself. We thank you all for your donations that help us richly bless others. Please keep Alyson in your thoughts and prayers!


Family illness

Gift bag to encourage a family

In the beginning of July 2022 while in Orlando for Drew’s appointments we dropped off a bag of summer fun to a sweet family. Both mom and dad have been battling illnesses/surgeries and so we wanted to send a few things for them to enjoy…a racing slip and slide with boogie boards, a board game, gift cards for a dinner, sidewalk chalk and some uplifting gifts. We appreciate the generosity of others that help us with these donations!


Tranplant mama

Gift for Mama of transplant child

During June 2022 we read a post from a fellow heart mama whose son has had a difficult time post transplant. She asked for a simple gift of coffee gift cards….we wanted to get something out to them quickly to let them know we are here for them and praying for them. Last week we sent a gift card for coffee and a gift card for a family meal on us plus a sweet little bookmark.

Update - Today I saw a post that her little guy is headed to a procedure that will help determine his future. I sit here looking at Drew being so thankful for his good health and I just pray the same for this precious little guy. Thank you all for your generosity and prayers that allows us to help those in need!


Fathers Day Bag

Diaper Bag for Dad and Baby

In June 2022 we sent a care package to a dad and his infant son after the loss of their wife/mama. Instead of a tote we did a diaper bag backpack and sent some gift cards (Publix, Walmart, Amazon and Chick-fil-A) and gifts for both baby and dad. We thought the added touch of the onesie and book were fitting with Father’s Day this weekend. We were also able to find some of the formula they use. Thank you for your donations, support and prayers…they are greatly appreciated


cornhole fundraiser

HMH corporate fundraiser

On June 3rd 2022 we had our first ever corporate corn hole fundraiser event at Houghton Mifflin Harcourt in Orlando. The corn holes were all made by Matt and my dad which made it even more special. A big thank you to everyone who participated, donated and volunteered to help us with organizing the event, setting up and loading our car back up. What a blessing! All the proceeds made today will go directly to the HDH Foundation and we look forward to putting several totes together and delivering them to an organization that can hand them out when needed. If you know of a corporation, business or group that would be willing to work with us on fundraiser ideas or events please let us know!


Groceries delivery

Groceries for a family in need

We’ve been helping a local single mom and her teenage son out with some groceries and necessities over the month of May 2022. Mom has been in and out of the hospital for quite some time and dad passed away earlier this year. We thank you for your generosity in helping us provide for this family during their time of need. This has been able to take some stress off their lives and they are beyond grateful!


Aircraft accident

Gift box of animal shape cookies with icing to decorate them.

Earlier in the month of April 2022 we heard of a family who tragically lost their husband/daddy in an aircraft accident. We wanted to do a little something for the young family who has also been battling illness in their home so we made a cookie decorating kit and gifted them with tickets for a day at the zoo. Please join us in praying for this family and thank you for you your generous donations.


Tragic accident

Gift tote for cvicu nurse with a long battle ahead.

At the end of April 2022 we shipped off a package to a special nurse involved in a tragic accident. While she was not one of Drew’s nurses she currently works with patients like him at the hospital he was at. We hope this tote will help her and her family out just a little during this time. We have a special place in our hearts for nurses, doctors and all medical personnel. Thank you all for the donations and prayers that make these gifts possible. We pray for complete healing from this accident and she can be back caring for patients again.


easter baskets

Easter baskets to bring smiles to patient siblings

Every year we participant in the Burton families Give Good Friday event and this year we weren't able to make it so we wanted to still do something special for Easter. Brainstorming some ideas our daughter Kacie mentioned doing Easter baskets for siblings of patients who are also having to live near a hospital like she had to do when her brother Drew was in the hospital. We felt that was a great idea and made Easter baskets for siblings staying at the Ronald McDonald house next to Nemours hospital in Orlando. We hope these baskets brought a smile to the faces of these kids who are going threw so much having to live away from home and watching their sibling in the hospital. Thank you to our donors for making it possible to make up these baskets.


Jonathons gift tote

Gift tote of a young mans favorite items to put a smile on his face

Our first recipient in April 2022 was Jonathon a young man who was involved in a serious motorcycle accident. Jonathan faced a long road to recovery with a lengthy hospital stay and in-patient rehabs. We contacted Jonathan's friends to see what things he would enjoy and also included items to help him move and heal his badly broken arm. One special gift was a compass that had Trust in the Lord With All Your Heart engraved on the front. We know that Jonathan appreciated all these generous gifts that were made possible thru your donations. Most of these items were purchased by our generous donors using our Amazon Wish List. See link below if you would like to donate to our next tote.



Our weekend at the Tim Tebow Foundation Golf Tournament 2022

Every year at the end of March TTF puts on a celebrity golf tournament and they make the weekend so special for the W15H kids and their families. Drew and our entire family looks forward to the time we get to spend with Tim and the entire Tim Tebow Foundation W15H family. This year we were able to let everyone know about receiving our 501c3 non-profit status and they were so excited for how we have remained dedicated and have been able to help so many individuals and their families.


Nicu Gift baskets

Gift baskets for NICU families

At the end of March 2022 we went to Orlando and delivered 2 Gifts From the Heart totes-one to a family staying at the AdventHealth Orlando Ronald McDonald House and one to a family staying at the Ronald McDonald House at Nemours Children’s Hospital in Lake Nona. Thank you to everyone who donated and sent gifts for these two families. Both of them reached out to say how very appreciative they were. We are blessed by your love and generosity


derricks gift backpack

Backpack of gift cards and cool stuff for Derrick and a bag of Spa Haven gifts for his mom

In March 2022 we delivered a "Gifts From the Heart" tote to an incredible young man going through a tough fight. Derrick is 18 years old and 3 months ago was told he has stage 4 lymphoma. That’s hard to hear and accept from anyone but more difficult for a 18 y/o just starting to live his life. He got accepted into Polytech school in Lakeland and was starting to merge into adulthood. And then it was all taken from him in a blink of an eye. He had to drop out of school so he could immediately start chemo to fight this long battle ahead. We heard of Derricks story and started collecting items for him and his mom. Thank you to everyone who contributed to Derrick and his mom…we feel blessed that we got the opportunity to meet this amazing family! Learn more and keep up with Derrick on his page link below.


treys gift bag

Tote bag of fun items for Trey

In February of 2022 we put together a tote of goodies for a little boy named Trey. Trey has been hospitalized with a sickness and faces a long recovery now at home. We included some games, books and activities to help him pass the time and pj’s to wear while getting better. We also included a few things for his siblings and some gift cards too! Thank you everyone for your generosity and support! To learn more about Trey and the battle he faces just click on the link below.


Logans gift tote

Nice tote bag filled with gifts and essentials for Logan and his mom

Thank you to everyone who donated to our HDH "Gifts From the Heart" tote for Logan and his mom. We delivered a tote filled with gifts and gift cards for the recipient’s mom who is by her son’s bedside and staying at the Ronald McDonald House at Tampa General Hospital. Logan is recovering from a second story fall at school and when we heard the family’s story we immediately knew we wanted to help out. We included gift cards to places nearby and inside of the hospital, a little cash for vending machines or a meal in the cafeteria, inspirational gifts, essentials and a nice sized tote to carry things in. I know when I would walk from the hotel to the hospital it was nice to have a bag this size with me. We hope these items help lighten the load just a little and that our prayers are felt. Again we are so grateful for the love and support which allows us the opportunity to bless others!


Straight Street donation

Warm clothes and socks collected for the less fortunate

We have always had a heart for those who have to sleep in the cold and felt we needed to do our part to help out. Thank you to everyone who contributed and dontated items for us to give to our friends at Straight Street Inc. Orlando. If you are in the area and want to donate your time or gifts this is one amazing organization that serves the less fortunate in our community with meals, clothing and ministry. We know they love and appreciate servant hearts and helping hands You can get more information about straight street by using the link below to their website.

thank you

gift card giveaway

Giving away an Amazon gift card to thank our amazing donors

To show our appreciation to all of you we gave away a $25 Amazon gift card along with a bag full of goodies! We just asked for a little help in return… a simple like and share of our Facebook page and then comment on our Facebook post. Drew then drew one random winner on Valentine’s Day 2/14/22… and ironically the name he drew out of the hat was Sue Valentine. We have added a link to our Facebook page so that you can check it out and give us a like and share. Thank you to everyone for helping us spread the word about HDH!


first annual hdh superbowl squares

A fundraiser to start off 2022 in a fun and exciting way

As we start 2022 we wanted a way to raise funds and also spread the word about our foundation. We have been able to help quit a few people but we want to help so many more and we want 2022 to be a huge year. We plan on doing a number of fundraisers this year and we figured lets start it off with a fun Superbowl squares game. We were able to sell all 100 squares to amazing donors and used part of the money to even offer prizes to the winners. HDH was blessed to really get a great start on the year and have already lined up people we can help thanks to the generosity of our donors. Keep checking our site to see the stories of those we have been able to bless and please help by making cash donation or purchasing items on our amazon wish list.

Thank You!!


Bartch transplant house supplies

A carload of much needed supplies to restock this amazing place

When Drew was in the hospital for 100+ days in 2017 we stayed at a hotel near the hospital with family but we were invited many times to stay at the Bartch Transplant House. This house was built to be a place for transplant patients and their families to stay while they wait for a transplant or after they receive a transplant and is right on the AventHealth hospital property. In November 2021 Drew went to an appointment with his transplant team and while waiting in the office he noticed a sign asking for supplies needed at Bartch House. The sign had a list of the supplies they needed most, so Drew took a picture of the sign and came home saying here is our next Gift Basket. We decided we would try hard to be able to get as many of these items as possible but we had no idea how God would bless us. We had a huge flood of donated items from the list along with some corporate donors with monetary donations which we used to get the rest of the items on the list along with a bunch of Publix gift cards. It was incredible to not only make a donation to the Bartch House but to be able to bring them all the items on their list. This was our final Gift from the Heart of 2021 and by far our biggest ever. But this is just the beginning of the help we want to provide to those going through one of the toughest times of their lives. Our family knows first hand how traumatic these times can be and how you just cant make it without the help of others. We want to continue to provide that help to so many more in 2022 and beyond but we really need your help. Please click our Donate now button or contact us to see in what other ways you can help. We can not do anything without our amazing donors!! God's Blessing to you all in the new year!!


Nicole's gift basket

A special basket for a first birthday

In September 2021 we heard the story of a little girl at our local childrens hospital named Nicole who was going to have to spend her first birthday in the hospital as she was undergoing treatments for cancer. We knew we had to see if we could put together some birthday gifts for this sweet little girl. We were able to contact the mother to ask if we could help and found out that they could also use supplies for when they went home. So we put together a drive to collect gifts and much needed baby items like diapers, wipes, etc. The donations poured in from amazing donors who really wanted to help make this a special basket. We were able to deliver these items to the family and bring some joy to a first birthday spent in a hospital. Please help us bring more joy like this to families going through one of the toughest times of their lives. Please click the Donate Now link below or visiting our Facebook page for more details on events and other ways to help our foundation.


Care packages

Gifts from the Heart care packages for three families

When we started Healing Drews Heart one of our goals was to be an organization people could contact when they know of families who could use our help. As people have began to donate and hear of our foundation we have began to have people reach out to us. In October 2021 we heard about three families who could use some help. We sent a package of inspirational materials, comfy socks and cookies to a lady going in to the hospital for a procedure that would make her have to stay for an extended period of time. Another package had inspirational material, an Amazon gift card and other supplies for a family where the mother had just been diagnosed with cancer and was going to start regular hospital visits. The third package was sent to a young boy who had recently lost his mom and was going through a very tough time and was asking for some things to cheer him up. So we sent an Amazon gift card, cards, color books and some superhero stuff he requested. Please help us fill more care packages like this to help families going through one of the toughest times of their lives. Please click the Donate Now link below or visiting our Facebook page for more details on events and other ways to help our foundation.


Back to school drive

HDH First annual back to school Gifts from the Heart

As the summer of 2021 was going along and back to school was approaching we were riding along in the car when Drew suddenly says lets do a school supply basket for a family going through a tough time. We all loved the idea so our foundation coordinator Kim put together a social media post on our Facebook page for people to nominate a family in need. We received one almost immediately that fit our cause perfectly. We were lead to a family with two school age boys and who had a baby that needed to stay in the hospital. The fact that the parents had to stay with the baby at the hospital made it impossible for them to get their boys ready for the school year. It turned out that the school they attended had all the supplies but the parents had no school clothes for the growing young boys. So we put together a drive to be able to get the boys new backpacks, shirts, shorts and lunch boxes so that they would be ready to start the school year. The parents and the two boys were so very appreciative of the new items. This was such a huge success we are definitely making this a yearly event and hopefully we can help a lot more families next year as we continue to grow our foundation. Please help us with that growth so we can do this for many more families. Please click the Donate Now link below or visiting our Facebook page for more details on events and other ways to help our foundation.


andrea's basket

Our next Gifts from the Heart basket for a family that received a surprise diagnosis

In the spring of 2021 Drew was ready to go on one of his nightly walks with his bubby Dennis, the two of them walk 2 or 3 times a week and have done this ever since Drew had returned home from the hospital. But on this day Dennis did not show, so Drew texted him and got the reply that his wife had received bad news at a check up today. We would come to learn that she had been diagnosed with cancer and she would have to have lots of testing to figure out what type it was. It was a tough time for them and their daughter so Drew said we really needed to get together a basket for them. We began to collect donations from the community we lived in and from other amazing donors. In June 2021 we were able to deliver them a basket filled with gift cards, blankets, sanitizing supplies and inspirational materials. This really helped them with the unexpected lose of work and the multiple hospital visits. Please pray for Andrea as she continues to fight cancer, also pray for Dennis and their daughter as they care for her. Please help us to be able to do this for other families that lives get turned upside down by an unexpected event by clicking the Donate Now link below or visiting our Facebook page for more details on events and other ways to help our foundation.


a truck for zayne

Blessing an amazing young man with a truck that was donated to us.

In April 2021 we read on social media that a young man from our daughters school was looking for an inexpensive vehicle. He was a high school senior about to start college and needed a way to get around. As soon as we read this we knew we had to help because of Zayne's amazing story. You see Zayne is a walking miracle just like our Drew. Five years earlier in April 2016 Zayne had surgery to remove a medullablastoma, a cancerous tumor in his brain. He has been through so much with hospital stays, chemo, doctor visits and setbacks. But he is a fighter and comes from one of the strongest most faithful families we have ever met. So when the unique opportunity of having a truck donated to us came up we knew right away it had to go to Zayne. We were able to deliver it to him after school one day and his excitement had us all in tears. I pray that God continues to bless this amazing young man. You can follow Zayne's story by clicking the link to his page below.


Ttf w15h weekend

Our weekend at the Tim Tebow Foundation Golf Tournament 2021

We are so blessed that Drew is one of Tim Tebows W15H kids. Every year in March TTF puts on a celebrity golf tournament and they make the weekend so special for the W15H kids and their families. Drew and our entire family looks forward to the time we get to spend with Tim and the entire Tim Tebow Foundation W15H family.


jordan's basket

Our first basket of 2021 was for Jordan to help him battle his uncertain diagnosis

In January 2021 we learned the story of one of Drews high school friends Jordan, who had collapsed on Christmas day. He was going through lots of testing and hospital stays to try to figure out why a healthy young man would just suddenly collapse. At the time we delivered his basket he was forced to live isolated at home, not able to work and having to drive to the hospital often for testing. So when putting together a gift basket for him we filled it with gas cards, local restaurant cards, some of his favorite snacks, sanitizing items, a cup of his favorite team he could take with him to hospital visits and put it all in a backpack he could use to carry it all. We continued to stay in contact with Jordan as he was flown to Washington DC to see a specialist and was found to have Aplastic Anemia. He has had a long road during 2021 as he would have to have a bone marrow transplant and live away from home as he recovered. We have tried to help by sending more items as needed. Please pray as he continues to heal and you can follow Jordan's story by clicking the link to his page below.


Avery's basket

Our next basket was for Avery to help her as she faced a long hospital stay

On 7/22/20, Avery was tragically struck by a car and critically injured in a horrific accident caused by a careless driver. She is suffering from multiple broken bones, internal injuries, serious skin injuries and burns over 30% of her body that will require dozens of reconstructive and painful surgeries , skin grafts, lengthy hospital stays and extensive physical therapy. Avery is also one of our daugther Kacie's best friends and helped us deliver our first "Gifts from the Heart" basket to Walker. Please continue to pray for Avery as she continues to have surgeries and works hard to get back to cheerleading for her high school. You can follow Avery's story by clicking the link to her page below.


Andy's basket

Our fifth "Gifts from the Heart" Basket for Andy and His Dog

When quarantine started Drew heard from his friends that a close friend found out he had cancer and he had to make alot of hospital visits. So with our fifth basket we started collecting donated items in April 2020 and due to the Coronavirus we had been postponing dropping it off but we felt he needed something to brighten his day up just a little. So we clipped gift cards and cash to a heart shaped wire and we made sure to remember Andy’s sweet pup too with a little Gator toy. We finally were able to deliver Andy his Gifts from the Heart basket at the beginning of May. Thank you to all of you who donated to help Drew’s good friend who is battling cancer be able to have help with costs while he travelled back and forth for hospital visits. Please continue to lift Andy up in prayers as he continues his battle. You can follow Andy's story by clicking the link to his page below.


Saniah's basket

Our fourth "Gifts from the Heart" Basket for Saniah and Her Mom

Thank you to everyone who donated to our 4th "Gifts From the Heart" basket recipient. Saniah was a young girl involved in a traffic accident and we were able to present her sweet mom with an overflowing basket of gifts, gift cards and cash donations. Saniah was in the ICU when we delivered the basket and had a long recover in the hospital ahead of her. We truly appreciate all who donated so we could help this young girl and her mom during this tough time.


burton family basket

Our third "Gifts from the Heart" basket to Chaz and the Burton family

We were able to collect gift cards, cash donations, inspirational gifts and cards for the sweet Burton family. At the time we gave them the basket they were living in Jacksonville while Chaz was undergoing testing on his liver. As it turned out Chaz would end up needing a liver transplant. We are so thankful for the donations that helped fill a basket for this family. They have been through so much and are one of the reasons we started our foundation because we want to help more families like them. You can follow Chaz's story by clicking the link to his page below.


Noah's Basket

Our Second "Gifts from the Heart" Basket sent to Noah and His Mom

We put together our 2nd Gifts from the Heart gift box and shipped it to a sweet boy and his mama in Chapel Hill, NC. Noah is in the hospital waiting for a liver and double lung transplant and could use our thoughts and prayers. In the box we included a Brave Gown for Noah, gift cards, inspirational gifts and our favorite encouraging book for his mama.


Walker's basket

Our first "Gifts from the Heart" basket to Walker and his family

Every year on Good Friday we participate in the Burton families "Give Good Friday" event. We usually deliver cookie baskets to local fire and police departments but this year we heard about a sweet family in need of some help while their son was in the hospital and they needed to stay by his side. They were in need of essentials, gift cards and inspirational materials so Kim had an idea and on Good Friday 2019 we got to deliver our first Gifts from the Heart tote to a very deserving family. Walker is the same age as Drew and was in the same hospital as Drew was in fighting to recover from a very serious illness. Because of the generosity of so many supporting our new ministry of helping others and for all the wonderful donations made towards this cause we were able to make this first basket a huge success. The success of this first basket also inspired us to continue to find other families who needed a basket to help them in their time of need and to also form our Healing Drews Heart Foundation Inc. Thank you all so very much and Please continue to keep Walker and his family in your prayers. You can follow Walker's story by clicking the link to his page below.

Ways to donate

Monetary Donation or Amazon Wish List

Please click the Donate Now link below to make a Monetary Donation to support our Gifts from the Heart Baskets and the other ways we help individuals and families who need our help. You can also click on the Amazon Link below to see our Amazon wish list where you will find items we need to fill our baskets. We couldn't do this without the help of all our amazing supporters and donors. Any questions about other ways to donate please email us at info@healingdrewsheartfoundation.org Thank you ALL!!

Contact us

If you would like to learn how you could help by making a donation or if you know of someone who could use our help please contact us by filling out the info below. Our motto is "Minor setback for a Major comeback" please join us in helping this come true for so many people who are going through hardship.
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