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A 501(C)(3) Nonprofit Recognized by the IRS
Our Mission is to provide compassion, comfort, love and support to families with loved ones in need of extended hospital stays and medical issues that require repeated hospital visits.

"A Minor Setback For A Major Comeback"-Drew Hazlett

fundraiser event

community fundraiser

We will have a fundraiser event in Winter Haven on Sept 2nd, 2024 at Union Taproom from 5pm to 8pm. A portion of all sales will be donated to The Healing Drews Heart Foundation Inc. This is a great way to raise funds that will be used to help so many individuals and families going through the struggle of hospitalization or the hardship of repeated hospital visits! We look forward to seeing everyone out there enjoying a great local place and supporting an amazing foundation! Thank you to everyone at Union Taproom for having this event and thank you to all our donors, we couldn't do this without you!!

Gifts from the Heart Baskets

We put together gift baskets of essentials and gift cards with the help of donations from amazing people. We then bring these baskets to families that have loved ones that are in need of an extended hospital stay. The contents of the baskets help with food, gas, essentials and some encouraging materials to help them through this difficult time. We are always looking for more donations to help us increase the amount of Gifts From the Heart baskets that we can give out. We could not do this without YOU.

Public Speaking and Hospital Visits

It is very important to us to talk to others and share Drew's story to help other people in similar situations. We have spoken at hospital conventions to doctors, nurses and hospital staff, at schools to teachers and K-12 students and at Donate Life events to volunteers and other families affected by organ donation. We have also made visits to speak and encourage patients and families having a hard time being in the hospital for so long. It helps to share our story and let them hear from people who have been in their position. Your generous gifts also help cover our gas expenses to travel to the events and hospitals. It also helps cover educational materials and small gifts to use at the events and hospital visits to cheer up a patient or to promote our foundation and the importance of organ donation at a public speaking event.

Continued Support for Patients and Their Families

The hospital stay is only the beginning. The families we help need the help and support we give while their loved one is in the hospital but they also need support when they return home. We try to provide meals, daily essentials, gift cards for restaurants, gas stations for follow up appointments and groceries and monetary donations for medical bills and other unexpected expenses. So many patients get home and can not go back to work right away or they are still going through out patient care and they still need some help to make it. We appreciate your generosity and we know the recipients feel the same as we do.

drew's Story

The WHY behind our mission

In May 2017 Drew was at his senior walk out event at our local high school. He had just recovered from a mysterious illness when he suddenly began to go downhill. Drew could barely walk out of school one last time and had no desire to say goodbye to the friends he had since kindergarten. As his mom I knew this wasn't like him at all. Drew was the life of the party and well liked and admired by his peers, classmates and teachers. Later that night God spoke to me and told me to get Drew to a doctors as soon as he woke up. Drew never slept that night and continued to decline right next to my bed in a recliner chair. While at the urgent care the next day it was determined that Drew's heart was enlarged and he needed to get to the hospital as quickly as possible. We thought he would just require some antibiotics and would be home in no time. His graduation was coming up and we wanted him better in time for that. We had no idea the journey our family was about to be on. It was discovered that Drew was very sick and was admitted to the hospital where he would stay for over 2 weeks. He missed his graduation but the school and hospital staff did a live stream for him so he could hear his name being called surrounded by family, friends, his favorite teacher and an ICU staff. Drew was eventually sent home with a life vest which is an external defibrillator and heart medications. While Drew enjoyed his time at home he also showed signs of distress. His cardiologist advised us to have him checked out at an urgent care thinking he was having adverse reactions to his medications. While at the urgent care Drew's life vest went off shocking his heart into rhythm and causing the doctor to call the paramedics. Drew was rushed by ambulance back to the hospital where he had left just weeks before. He was back in the ICU and things were very scary for all of us. The doctors attempted to put a balloon pump in his heart to help but that was unsuccessful and Drew crashed. That was one of the most scary times in our lives. They whisked Drew away to the operating room where they had to do CPR to keep him alive. He was placed on ECMO (Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation) in a last resort attempt to save his life. Our family waited over 5 hours not knowing if we would ever see our son, brother, grandson, nephew, cousin and friend again. The surgery was a success and Drew was admitted to the CVICU where he would be monitored by the most amazing and highly skilled medical professionals. Our lives were suddenly turned upside down in the matter of days. It was almost midnight on a night in June when we had to leave our son in the hands of strangers and find a place to rest our heads. My brother found us a hotel near the hospital and that would be our home for the next several months. We had nothing but the clothes on our backs and the toiletries provided to us by the hotel staff. Our family and friends quickly jumped in to action to provide us meals, pick up our clothes and help us get settled in. Drew did well over the next several days and defied the odds stacked against him. He was switched to BiVAD's which did all the work for his right and left side of his heart. This was a bridge to a heart transplant as Drew's heart had been too damaged to heal on it's own. We knew he would be in the hospital until a heart was found for him. The doctors are some of the best in all the nation and they were dedicated to finding him the most perfect match. The days were long but Drew was determined and he would walk the halls of the CVICU uplifting other patients and winning the hearts of his nurses and specialists. Drew knew right away that he wanted to give back once he was healed. His quote was "Minor setback for a major comeback" and he knew that his story of strength could help someone else in the future. Of course there were times we all questioned why this happened to Drew and to our family. It was very hard to understand how someone young and with so much to live for had to battle so hard to survive. We had to turn our "why's" into "what can we do Lord to honor You?" and "why not us?" This was God's plan for Drew's life and we would live to help others. The idea of Healing Drew's Heart started as a way to help our family financially with the mounting bills we faced from being out of work for so long. The donations went towards our hotel stay, medical bills and to help us get back on our feet. On August 20, 2017 we got the call that a heart was found for Drew and the new heart began beating on August 21, 2017. It was the perfect match and Drew recovered very well. He had some setbacks and had to be reintubated and placed on dialysis for his kidneys but was able to come home in September. Drew's dad had to give up his business to be Drew's caregiver for 1 year post transplant and it is during this time that we decided it was time to start giving back. Drew and his dad, Matt began speaking and advocating for Donate Life and we all began putting together baskets for patients and their families facing long hospital stays. We have been blessed to help several patients so far and we look forward to helping and encouraging many more. When I asked Drew if he wanted to change the name of our foundation he said no that his heart is still "healing" and by doing God's calling his heart will continue to heal. We are forever grateful to the family who made the decision to donate their loved ones organs during such a difficult time. We are also very thankful for all the medical professionals who cared for Drew and for everyone who supported us and prayed for us along this journey. Giving back is a small way for us to show our appreciation for all the kindness and love that was shown to us over the past several years as we as a family work to heal our hearts. "Trust in the LORD and do good." Psalm 37:3

Please click the link below and join our Healing Drews Heart Foundation Inc Facebook page for updates on what's going on with fun fundraising events and updates on the families we have helped and are going to help. We couldn't do this without the help of all our amazing supporters and donors. Thank you ALL!!


charity cornhole event

Our 2nd annual cornhole event in Winter Haven was held on April 20th 2024 at Redeemer Winter Haven. The event included a cornhole tournament, snacks/drinks, 50/50 raffle and raffle baskets donated by awesome local businesses. The event was a huge success once again and a great way to raise funds that will be used to help so many individuals and families going through the struggle of hospitalization or the hardship of repeated hospital visits! Thanks to all who participated in our event and continue to donate throughout the year, we couldn't do it without you all!

charity cornhole event

A huge thank you to everyone who helped make our October 14th event such a success. From everyone who participated…to everyone who promoted the event…to everyone who donated, sponsored, volunteered, prayed, helped set up/clean up and everything in between. Your generosity and caring hearts are truly appreciated. We also want to thank Spring of Life United Methodist Church for the use of their facility. It was such a beautiful morning for our FUNdraiser event. Congrats to our winners…  Mike Oslund and Chris Vann. ALL proceeds from today’s event will go towards our fall/winter goal of filling 25+ totes for patients in local hospitals and 25+ items for The Bartch Transplant House in Orlando.
fundraiser event

HDH cornhole fundraiser

We have held an amazing cornhole event in Winter Haven on February 18th 2023 at Redeemer Winter Haven. The event had a cornhole tournament and also a raffle of 8 baskets and a TV donated by awesome local businesses. The event was alot of fun and a great way to raise funds that will be used to help so many individuals and families going through the struggle of hospitalization or the hardship of repeated hospital visits! Thanks to all who came and donated!

Ways to donate

Monetary Donation or Amazon Wish List

Please click the Donate Now link below to make a Monetary Donation to support our Gifts from the Heart Baskets and the other ways we help individuals and families who need our help. You can also click on the Amazon Link below to see our Amazon wish list where you will find items we need to fill our baskets. We couldn't do this without the help of all our amazing supporters and donors. Thank you ALL!!



Healing Drews Heart Foundation Comfortable Cloth Masks

$10 includes shipping


Healing Drews Heart Foundation Silicon Wristband Bracelets

$5 includes shipping


Healing Drews Heart Foundation "Trust in the Lord with all your Heart" Shirt

$25 includes shipping

Make A Donation

Make a donation so we can provide more "Gifts From The Heart" Baskets and much needed supplies to families going through the most traumatic time of their lives


Contact US

If you would like to learn how to you could help by making a donation or if you would like to tell us about a family that could really use our help, please fill out the info below...
Name E-mail Message Submit

Foundation Information

We are located in Orlando, FL and Winter Haven, FL. We are always available to help. Please text or email us anytime! Also please visit and join our Facebook page and become part of our family!

Orlando, FL 32832
Winter Haven, FL 33884 

+1 407 470 6515


Helping others 24/7/365